Create the highest performing team you've ever seen.
Do you have:
A Leadership Team that wants to make bold moves and take the company to the next level?
A Sales team that wants to have more fun and far exceed their targets?
A Project or Transformation team that wants to beat their timeline and budget, energise everyone, and maximise the change ROI?
A Remote Team that wants connection, belonging, and motivation again?
A Distressed Team that wants to go from dysfunctional to incredible?
That’s what we do.
We change how your teams work, so you can do the dream work.
Change keeps coming.
Targets are shifting.
People are complicated. Teamwork is hard.
We get it. If you’re like most leaders today you operate in a high-change, high-stress, little-time, total-overwhelm, little-loyalty, and high-uncertainty situation. While being given almost no data, frameworks, or tools that actually help create calm, motivation, belonging, and performance in your most critical teams.
No wonder…
Only 21% of employees trust their leaders
Only 23% of employees are engaged in their work
Only 27% of customers trust the company they buy from
7/10 employees are doing the bare minimum. It’s called quiet quitting.
Most organisations try random fixes like old training courses, cheesy team building, throwing tech at the problem, or the costly replacing of people without ever discovering what are actually the core issues.
Of course that doesn’t work.
We’ve got your back.
We give you people-data and change tools to help you create amazing teamwork and results.
Create the best team ever. Fast.
It Takes Just 4 Steps:
Get Actionable People Data
About how you and your people need to work for their absolute best.
What truly demotivates and motivates them? What needs are not being met?
Where are the holes in your process?
You need this info to lead well.
Create a
Tribal Subculture
Your team is a tribe within the whole.
Once you have your people data your subculture needs to match it.
Your subculture is driving your execution and results.
Get this right for a faster, smoother, more profitable, success-creating team.
Chart Your High-vibe Team Roadmap
To create that subculture you need a path to close the gap between where you are now and where you know you can be.
And set yourself up to keep growing beyond that.
You will see your team operate at a higher level, fast.
Change Skills
to lead, communicate, motivate, and get people over any obstacle and resistance as fast as possible.
Because obstacles and surprises always come up.
Learn how to handle anything.
How will you figure out all this?
You’re in luck.
That’s exactly what we do.
How We Work
We give you unique team data points, using:
The GC Index®
A scientifically validated tool to show you exactly how each person does their best work, avoids burnout, and makes their biggest impact in their team. Get a report for yourself. Get a report for everyone in your team. So you know exactly how to be your best and help others be their best.
The Resilience Profile
When change and challenge happens people get stressed and start acting differently, usually worse. Wouldn’t it be great to see how people act when stressed so you can help them get out of it and back to their productive best? That’s what this tool does. Get it for yourself and everyone else.
Culture Mapper and Decoder
I’m sure you’ve heard, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” Your culture is deciding what gets done and what gets done well in your team. And yet most of culture is unspoken, unwritten, lurking beneath the surface. No more. This tool will reveal exactly how your culture is operating and what you need to change to create your amazing team subculture.
We run Team Workshops for you to leverage the data.
(With 4 Levels of Learning)
We take you through integrating the plan and embedding new behaviours because change sticks when you embed it.
(With Coaching and problem solving)
Our Behaviour Change Frameworks You Will Leverage
Connected People Change
Everything is possible in your team when you connect people more deeply to themselves, each other, and the cause.
This is a triangle of connection that creates massive power and momentum.
The 7 Needs
According to 50 years of social science and ancient wisdom, there are 7 needs you have at work, and all of your people have them too.
How many are you meeting? Meet all 7 your team becomes one of the all time greats. Keep your best talent loving it and thriving.
Leadership Games
What’s the fastest way to become a master of full-body listening, presence, quick thinking, being more creative, self expression, supportive collaboration, finding new perspectives and solutions, all while having fun?
Leadership Games.
You will embody the skills of the most masterful leaders while you have more fun at work.
Emotional Work
The science is clear: every decision we make, every action we take is driven by emotion.
If you don’t know how to handle, use, and leverage emotions at work, you are fighting how humans think and act, you are fighting yourself. You are creating conflict and resistance that is messing up your team.
Move faster, smoother, and lighter with emotional intelligence and emotional work.
We use coaching to create change.
Coaching is the art of perspective shifting conversations that allow you and your people to create a new reality.
You are the experts in your business, and we are the experts at asking questions that will reveal to you what you haven’t thought of before.
Use us.
What Will Happen When You Schedule a Chat?
It's casual. We’ll get to know each other.
We’d love to learn about you and your team.
We’d love to share our process and answer your questions.
No obligation to work together. No decision needed.
We’ll pick a time to follow up with you and keep the conversation going.
No pressure. When going high-vibe is right for you, you will know.
What is the Best Way For Your Team to Become a 10 out of 10?
Here are some options we love:
Team In-person Workshops
We would love to create a completely unique and incredible off-site experience for your leadership team that uses our tools and techniques to expand who you are capable of being, dissolve your challenges, and create your roadmap for massive business gains
Team Online Sessions
We would love to work with you online in a series of sessions that take you deep into understanding who you really are, who your people really are, how your culture works, and what you need to change to create the high-value, world-bettering team you know is possible. When we say deep, we mean it.
You have never had online sessions like these.
1:1 Coaching
We would love to work with you 1:1 online if that is your preferred method of growth. And we mean growth. This isn’t coaching and chill. (Okay, unless chilling more is how you will create new results).
We will hold you in your highest version. We will challenge you.
We will ask you to do things you’ve never done to stretch yourself into who you can become, and the type of leader you were born to be.
Change Skills Leadership Training
We would love to share our frameworks with you in the form of skills training sessions in-person or online.
You can become masters of Connecting People for Change, The 7 Needs, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership Games, and Coaching.
In essence you can become a master of leading yourself and a master of how people work. Sound useful?
The Change Tribe Membership
For individuals that want to experience with others a new way of working and being that they can take into their teams, join our membership.
We take you through all our change and facilitation tools over a series of months. You will expand your skills to be the leader you were born to be and cultivate the most unique toolbox that any organisation has ever seen.
You will dare to be a more innovative leader who knows how to wield fun and joy to increase productivity and skyrocket collaboration.
We Know You.
You Are Already A Powerful, Loving Leader Who Wants To Make A Difference
If you are reading this, you are one of our people. We see you. We love you.
Thank you for being here.
You have the desire, will, and skill to be a phenomenal high-vibe leader and create a winning team that grows business in today’s world.
You know the old way of working is broken and we need the new way NOW. But you’re already busy. How can you possibly do it?
Don’t worry. No one was ever meant to lead alone. Get us on your team.
The Change Tribe exists to change the world of work to be more fun and joyful and powerful, one team at a time. Because in doing this we use business to create a more loving and beautiful world. Hell yes.
Why spend so much time at work if it’s not freaking awesome?
Are you up for it? Let’s talk as soon as possible.
Who Is The Change Tribe?
Everyone who stands up for joyful work and using leadership and teams to create a more loving businesses and more beautiful world for all.
Are you with us?
The Change Tribe was founded by these two beautiful, powerful weirdos:
Nikki Finucan
Chief Game Changer
I’m an organisational healer. I’m a creative catalyst.
My GC energy is Game Changer which means my superpower is being a fountain of ideas and inspiration for you to solve your leadership challenges, become a connected leadership team, and make a thriving organisation.
I’m also a GC Index expert so I can show you exactly how your energy works so you can have more fun and do your greatest work.
I’ve lead massive world-wide change projects that beat their timelines and lit people up so much they kept asking to join my team.
Now I’m right here ready to do that for you.
David Papa
Chief Strategist
I’m a strategic high-performance coach and deep team work facilitator.
I’m an expert in emotional intelligence, motivation, and performing on the spot. I value humour and if I’m not having fun I’m doing it wrong.
I will bring out the joyful, wise, powerful leader in you and help you create the most powerful teamwork possible. So you can do amazing work in the world. I pull you into that.
My GC energy is Strategist which means I make sense of difficult and complex information and turn that into a winning plan for you. I can see the hidden patterns.
Bring me into the room if you want to see more truth, change your perspective on work, be in your highest energy, and more laughter.
Receive our FREE
Energy Audit
A personal tool for energising yourself and your work.
Create impact.
Align your work to who you really are.
The Energy Audit reveals whether you're thriving or merely surviving at work, helping you find your most energising work and environment so your work will feel great. You’ll be doing amazing work and your impactful contribution will be recognised.